Inviting Family Members and Friends to Visit

During your studies at Georgetown or during a period of post-completion work authorization, you may wish to invite friends or family members to visit you. Sharing your Georgetown experience with loved ones is a wonderful opportunity, and we are eager to help you welcome them to the United States. While an official Georgetown invitation letter is not a requirement or a determining factor for family and friends to apply for a visitor’s visa, these documents may help your visitor(s) apply for a B-1/B-2 visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

1. Write a letter of invitation. Click here to view a template. Be sure to:

  • Confirm that you are (or were) a full-time Georgetown student.
  • Express your intention to invite your guest(s) to visit you in the United States.
  • Include your guest’s name, birth date, relationship to you, and passport number.
  • Indicate whether you will provide room and board for your guest(s) during the visit.
  • Indicate the approximate length of the visit in order to underscore plans to return home.
  • If graduation is the occasion of the visit, include the details of Commencement.
  • You may include information for multiple guests in one letter or provide individual letters for each person.

2. Include a copy of your Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 to demonstrate your valid status in the United States.

3. Print an unofficial transcript fromĀ GU Experience to corroborate your student (or alum) status.

4. Locate the nearest U.S. diplomatic mission for more specific instructions regarding the B-1/B-2 visa application.

You may contact your dedicated IS Advisor for reassurance on your plans to bring visitor(s).