
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is an F-1 off-campus authorization for paid and unpaid positions directly related to the major field of study listed on Page 1 of the Form I-20. CPT can be used to authorize a variety of positions, including employment, internships, fellowships, practicums, etc.

F-1 Students who:

  • Have been in lawful, full-time status for one full academic year
  • Will not complete their degree requirements until after the position has ended
  • Are in good academic standing
  • Have been offered a position that is directly related to their major field of study
  • Are in a degree program in which off-campus experience is an integral part of the curriculum
  • Meet one of the following requirements:
    • are enrolled in an internship course or tutorial for credit
    • are required to participate in an internship (not for credit)
    • are required to participate in a specific internship to complete the dissertation

Yes. CPT can only be authorized for a specific position at a U.S. organization, at a specific location, during specific dates. The offer letter must be presented on company letterhead, with the company address, a brief job description, employment start date, employment end date, hours per week, and supervisor details.

Yes. If the CPT is granted in conjunction with an internship class, you must remain enrolled in the class throughout the semester and work only during the dates printed on your CPT authorization. Once CPT is approved by OGS, students are not permitted to withdraw from the CPT course even if they end their CPT prematurely. If the CPT is granted as a degree requirement or dissertation necessity, you must be enrolled full time for the semester (unless approved for part-time by OGS in advance of beginning the CPT).

No. OGS authorizes CPT in 5 business days after you submit a completed CPT Request Form (PDF), your most recent I-94 Record, CPT quiz results, and an offer letter.

No. There is no cost to the student for the CPT application. However, if the student is enrolled in an internship class, Georgetown University may charge tuition for the course credit.

If you have been authorized for full-time CPT for a total of 12 full months (365 days), you will not be eligible for OPT. Otherwise, OPT should not be affected.

During required academic terms, your total employment/internship activities (on-campus and off-campus, paid and unpaid) may not exceed 20 hours per week. Note this is a weekly maximum, not an average.

Exception: A few programs require full-time CPT during required academic terms, consult the program list.

A part-time authorization is limited to 20 hours per week even during a university break.

Application Process

In order to request CPT authorization for the current term, you may submit the entire application to internationalservices@georgetown.edu as soon as you get the offer letter, the most recent I-94 entry record, have received a 100% score on the CPT Quiz in Canvas, and have completed the CPT Request Form with your academic department or dean. For future semesters (e.g. in February you are offered an internship for summer), please check the main CPT web page to confirm the date OGS will begin processing applications for the next semester.

Note: It is impossible to request a start date in the past!

OGS processing takes 5 business days. When your CPT authorization is ready, you will receive an email from internationalservices@georgetown.edu containing an updated Form I-20 with your CPT on page 2.  

CPT Applications must be submitted by email to internationalservices@georgetown.edu as PDF attachments.

No, students must submit separate CPT applications for each semester or summer. Each CPT experience must demonstrate new skills and responsibilities the student will gain from the new position.

When your CPT authorization is ready, you will receive an email from internationalservices@georgetown.edu containing an updated Form I-20 with your CPT on page 2. Allow 5 business days from the date you submit your complete CPT application to receive approval. 

The CPT authorization is on page 2 of the new Form I-20. You may begin working after OGS emails you the new I-20 and you have reached the authorized CPT start date. You may not begin your CPT experience if the authorized CPT has not yet been reached, even if you already have the I-20 with CPT authorization.

While on CPT

Yes, F-1 students are required to update their local, U.S. address within 10 days of moving to the new address. Update your local off-campus address in GU Experience to fulfill this requirement.

Yes, you are still in F-1 status. CPT is not an immigration status. Rather, CPT is a benefit of F-1 status for off-campus authorization to engage in practical training in one’s field of study.

Maybe. If you are an F-1 student and have not been in the United States for 5 years you should not be paying Social Security or Medicare taxes. However, you may be subject to income tax depending on the amount of money you earn and your tax rate. Please review the Tax page and complete the Tax Questionnaire each February for current information. 

Specific CPT Scenarios

Yes, you are allowed up to three CPT authorizations per degree program, if permitted by your academic program. For each CPT authorization, you must get permission from 1) your Dean or Academic Advisor and 2) OGS. CPT must remain integral to your curriculum and cannot be used to simply facilitate employment.

There may not be a specific class for CPT related to a degree or dissertation requirement. However, students must be registered full time or with an OGS-approved courseload reduction to be eligible.

While school is in session a student may only engage in a maximum of 20 hours of employment per week, on campus and off campus, paid and unpaid. A student who meets the eligibility requirements for CPT and works on campus 5 hours per week may be authorized for part-time CPT for an additional 15 hours. However, the total employment while school is in session may not exceed 20 hours per week (graduate assistantships count as 15 hours of permissible work per week; likewise Resident Hall Assistantships count as 20 hours per week). 

To participate in CPT, the program/school must either have:

  • An approved internship course that carries credit, semester dates, a faculty supervisor and is listed in the University bulletin; or
  • The academic dean or advisor must attest that the internship is a graduation degree requirement; or
  • The DGS or dissertation advisor must attest to the fact that the student needs the internship experience to complete the dissertation requirement.

If the program/school cannot attest to one of the above requirements, then CPT is not an option and Pre-completion OPT or work with an International Organization may be alternatives.

Yes. In addition to the regular application materials, please also submit the documentation showing your previous semesters of full-time enrollment.

CPT authorization is intended to facilitate off-campus opportunities that resemble classroom instruction, albeit in a more practical context. A key characteristic of such an experience is a supervisory relationship, consisting of regular assignment and evaluation of deliverables. Practical Training also implies meaningful immersion in a professional environment.

Students who request CPT for remote positions should keep detailed documentation establishing

  1. the existence of a supervisory relationship throughout their period of authorization, and
  2. how they achieved professional immersion despite working remotely.

No. With each new position at each new location, students must apply for a new CPT authorization. In this scenario, the student will be using up 2 of the 3 total permitted CPT authorizations and will have one authorization left before graduation.

For the purposes of your F-1 status, an embassy is no different than any other U.S. employer. Off-campus authorization is required for both paid and unpaid positions.