Understanding Your Form DS-2019

The immigration document Form DS-2019 show you (the student) have been admitted to a school in the United States and acts as the school’s endorsement for your J-1 visa application.

This page provides an overview of the information documented on the Form DS-2019. The images below are provided as samples only. It is important to keep all past and current DS-2019s issued to you in your own records.

To apply for a new, initial DS-2019, please review our request process. F-1 applicants should reference our Understanding your Form I-20 page.

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Sample Form DS-2019 for Jack Hoya Section 1
Sample Form DS-2019 for Jack Hoya Sections 2-4
Sample Form DS-2019 for Jack Hoya Sections 5-8
  • During the period covered by this form, the total estimated financial support…: This reflects the proof of funding you submitted to OGS up to the amount of estimated expenses for your academic program, even if your sponsor(s) pledged more than that. If you are authorized for Academic Training, your authorization will be noted in this section as well. If there is a significant change to your source of funding, please contact OGS:
  • Name of Official Preparing Form: This is the OGS advisor who issued your DS-2019 and may not be your dedicated International Student (IS) Advisor. Please refer to our Contact Us page for the contact information of your IS Advisor. School advisors are permitted to sign this form electronically.
  • Statement of Responsible Officer for Releasing Sponsor: Except in rare cases, this section should be blank.
Sample Form DS-2019 for Jack Hoya page 1 Preliminary Endorsement, Travel Validation, and Exchange Visitor Certification sections
  • Preliminary Endorsement of Consular or Immigration Officer regarding Section 212(e)…: This section should be filled in by the consular officer at your visa interview; it may be blank in subsequent versions of your DS-2019. See Two-year Home-Country Physical Presence Requirement on the U.S. Department of State website for more information about 212(e).
  • Travel Validation by Responsible Officer: You must have a valid travel signature from an OGS advisor on your DS-2019 to reenter the United States in J-1 status. During your academic program, each travel signature is valid for one year or until the end of your program, whichever comes first, even if you travel internationally multiple times within that period.
    • Please review our Travel page for more information about what documents to carry with you when traveling internationally.
    • Please email your IS Advisor after the first month of your program to request a travel signature.
  • Exchange Visitor Certification: The Form DS-2019 is only valid with your handwritten signature. After printing your DS-2019, sign and date this section by hand with a pen on paper. If you have J-2 dependent(s), you (the student) must sign the Exchange Visitor Certification section of their DS-2019(s) as well.

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Sample Form DS-2019 page 2

Even though this page does not have any personal information on it, you should review it, as it outlines important fundamental information about J-1 status and your signature on page 1 attests to your having read it.

If you have any questions about or have lost your Form DS-2019, please contact newinternational@georgetown.edu before your program begins or your IS Advisor thereafter.

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