SEVIS Transfer

SEVIS transfer to Georgetown from another U.S. school

Students who hold active F-1 status in the U.S. when they are admitted to Georgetown may be eligible to transfer their SEVIS record for their Georgetown program of study.

Students must consult the Designated School Official (DSO) at their current SEVIS school to determine whether their F-1 status is active and transferrable based on when their previous F-1 activity ends and when their Georgetown classes begin.

  • Eligible students will provide their Georgetown admission letter to the DSO at their current SEVIS school and identify their requested date of SEVIS release to Georgetown.

SEVIS transfer students must upload to Georgetown’s Office of Global Services the same Form I-20 request as a student who has never traveled to the U.S.

In addition to the normal requirements for F-1 eligibility, SEVIS transfer students must upload documentation of their current status–see the Required Documents webpage for details.

  • Students can complete their Form I-20 request before their transfer release date, but Georgetown can only issue their transfer Form I-20 after their SEVIS record is released by their previous school.
  • Students must complete their transfer by attending F-1 orientation, registering in a full time in person course load, and reporting their new U.S. address.

Students ineligible for SEVIS transfer would exit the U.S. within any grace period applicable to their pre-Georgetown F-1 status (as advised by their current SEVIS school).

  • Georgetown issues a non-transfer Form I-20 with a new SEVIS ID valid for admission to the U.S. 30 days before the program begins.
  • A valid, unexpired F-1 visa may be used for travel to the U.S. together with the new Form I-20 showing a new school and new SEVIS ID number.

SEVIS Transfer from Georgetown to another U.S. school

Georgetown students or alumni with active F-1 status must email their admission letter to their IS Advisor and identify their requested date of transfer release. Georgetown OGS will advise on the conditions for transfer eligibility as applicable to each student’s situation.

F-1 students who timely complete their program have a 60-day grace period after their Form I-20 program end date to remain in the U.S. “prepare for departure”. The SEVIS record is transferrable during the grace period until the student exits the U.S.

F-1 students who consider SEVIS transfer before completing their Georgetown program must contact their their IS Advisor as early as possible for guidance.

F-1 students who complete their program earlier than their Form I-20 program end date must notify OGS to update their I-20.